Proudly introducing,

The Equity PRogram.

Equity is to “recognize that each person has different circumstances and allocate the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.” From the start of founding New Local PR, I wanted to ensure I created time, energy, and space in my day-to-day operations to help make a more equitable society by assisting others in achieving their unique missions.

With that, I am excited to offer The Equity PRogram as a part of New Local PR’s services. I will be providing free PR and communications consultations to business owners, individuals, and non-profit organizers who identify with historically marginalized groups and/or work in civil rights advocacy.

See below for qualifying group/individuals and circumstances.

  • W O M E N

  • P E O P L E OF C O L O R

  • L G B T Q I A S 2 +

  • V E T E R A N S

  • I M M I G R A N T S & 1st G E N

  • P E R S O N S W I T H D I S A B I L I T Y

  • I N D I G E N O U S P E O P L E S

I also understand there are small businesses and/or nonprofit organizations who may not have PR or communications in their budget and/or who are in need of consulting but don’t know where to start.

These circumstances are also qualifying for The Equity PRogram application.

“If you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else.”

— Toni Morrison

If you are interested in applying to The Equity PRogram, please follow the link below and complete the form. I will contact you after carefully reviewing your submission.

The application should take approximately 10-15 minutes. It will help me to understand each candidate before reaching out.

If you are a PR consultant or journalist that would like to lend your time and services to The Equity PRogram, please contact me directly:
(210) 248-8395

